
Installing skype on 64 bit linux

Skype needs a number of i686 RPMS to run on a 64 bit Fedora Linux machine. 

yum install glibc.i686 alsa-lib.i686 libXv.i686 libXScrnSaver.i686 qt.i686 qt-x11.i686


VMWare Player 4.0.2 doesn't like the latest kernel that is available for Fedora 16. A bit of patching is required.


A big thanks to those that posted the solution.


Making OpenVPN run as a service on Fedora 16

Make sure the config file is named something like myvpn.conf in
# ln -s /lib/systemd/system/openvpn@.service /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/openvpn@myvpn.service
Then start and stop the service manually this way:
# systemctl start openvpn@myvpn.service
# systemctl stop openvpn@myvpn.service
Or enable it to start at boot time:
# systemctl enable openvpn@myvpn.service
Thanks to those that took the time to post the solution here: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=272612


Booting into single user mode

Every time I receive a new kernel I must install the NVIDIA drivers.
  1. Boot the new kernel into single user mode. Add "single" and "vga=normal" to the grub boot command
  2. Switch to run level 3 with telinit 3
  3. 3. Log in and run the NVIDIA installer